Custom signs are specially designed signs that convey specific information or messages for a particular purpose or location. They are created to meet unique requirements and are not standard or off-the-shelf signs.
Custom signs are used in various places to communicate important information, warnings, or instructions. They can be found in workplaces, public spaces, roads, and other environments where clear communication is essential.
In Australia, custom signs are governed by specific standards to ensure consistency and effectiveness. The primary standard for safety signs is AS 1319:2019. This standard provides guidelines for designing and using safety signs, including custom signs, to promote safety and awareness.
Colours and Shapes: Custom signs follow colour and shape conventions to convey their messages effectively:
Colours: Different colours are used to indicate different types of information. For example:
- Red: Used for fire-related signs, prohibition signs, and emergency-related information.
- Yellow: Indicates caution, warning, or general hazard signs.
- Blue: Often used for mandatory actions or information signs.
- Green: Typically signifies safe conditions, first aid, or emergency-related information.
- White: Used for general information or instructions.
Shapes: The shape of a sign also helps convey its meaning:
- Circular: Used for mandatory actions, prohibition, and general information.
- Triangular: Common for warning signs indicating potential hazards or dangers.
- Rectangular: Generally used for information and instructional signs.
Custom signs use combinations of these colours and shapes to convey specific messages tailored to their intended purpose and location.